Something has changed. It has been a while since anything has been posted here and, yes, I’ve been busy. Accordingly, lots to do when raising a grandson and beating back the hands of time simultaneously. Neither, though, is so difficult with only an ounce of commitment and a little resignation. Still, something is different. Can’t quite put my finger on it, but perhaps you sense it in your own lives too.
From within, I am pleased with what I have done these first two-thirds of my time here. Oh, there have been quite a few setbacks along the road, decisions gone awry, choices poorly made. These are part and parcel for the journey and I’ve walked wiser, more deliberate in my steps, with each stumble.
However, something is amiss. Not personal events so much as happenings across the land, a general barometer of change that affects us all. Overall, doesn’t seem to be in one area or with any group in particular, just high waters for everybody.
Natural disasters have been constant, severe and always threatening to get worse. From the fires on the west coast to hurricanes all over, everybody has been affected. Tested rather full and over the brim. The bad side of things just can’t get much worse though most expect it will. The one good constant has been the humanity and compassion we’ve shown to each other as we’ve weathered the storms. Faith. Faith in each other to do what’s right.
Seems to me the debate over global warning is moot. Doesn’t take a scientist to prove the ice caps are melting. The reality that we are facing a most certain environmental crisis can easily be seen with the naked eye. Still, there are many who debunk anything suggesting a calamity. For those who have a monetary stake in the oil and gas industries, not much convincing that can be done.
Senseless to argue the point endlessly and get nothing done. Perhaps we should go ahead and take steps to clean up the environment. Something has changed and this very well could be our last chance. Maybe we could gather up the naysayers and plop them down in the middle of a fire out west. Perhaps just let them ride out a hurricane or two while they continue fracking the land. One way or another, they’d be convinced.
Speaking of disasters, politics has shown its true face. Consequently, grown men and women have proven to be nothing more than little boys and girls misbehaving badly. The halls of democracy are rife with carpetbaggers and scum. Seems there’s no end in sight to the treatment of serious concerns being dealt with by blather and theatrics.
Politics is treacherous. It gives temporary power and glory and takes no prisoners. Argues from a position of strength while its demeanor is not entirely democratic and the arguments ultimately nothing more than weakness. Moral and ethical behavior, the hallmarks of justice, are blatantly absent while amoral attitudes carry the day.
Political truth hinges on which way the door is swinging. We can spin anything into what we want without regard for decency, respect and all those other values our founding fathers embraced. What is good for the country has become complicated because we have played politics with democratic ideals. The power of persuasion means to win at all costs, and the cost of this perversion is much more than we can pay.
A most disturbing development is the polarized culture sweeping the land. As a country, the no-budge disagreements we have nurtured and fostered have exploded into a way of life. Political opinion, idealogical positions, racism, sexism, you name it. Points of view on anything from education to health care to religion become hard perspectives with no inch to give. If you can think of it, we can clash over it.
Men against men, brother against brother. Whatever spiritual path you take – and yes, you best have a path – will define your character, your very soul. In the scheme of life, it seems rather senseless to have your life depend on slanted opinions. Better to make your journey one of enlightenment as opposed to discontentment.
So, yes, things have changed. As for me, I refuse to grow numb to all the negativity and keep my eyes on the prize. Forget the notion that it doesn’t matter and we’re all going to hell in a hand basket. That just won’t cut it. Each and every person has an obligation to better themselves as they make their way through life. Many don’t try and many more go about it reluctantly. Being comfortable in your own skin usually results in being comfortable with what’s inside of other people’s skin. And friends, it’s that simple. Start with yourself and see what you can do to better yourself. Keep reminding yourself something has changed.
Now, seriously, I’m not trying to convince anyone of a damn thing. Not with all the rambling I do. All I’m trying to do is throw some thoughts out there with hopes they might help you figure something out. Just hope you’re on the side of waking up each day and doing better than the last. Reach out to others to give or maybe even receive, not to take or expect it.
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