Sage Advice For Graduates and Others…

Focus. Look inward and search for the strength that defines you. Let this sage advice guide you. Gather your thoughts and prepare for the journey ahead. No matter if you walk on cobblestones or wander in the abyss, you are here and now and must always search for truth, in yourself, in those you love, and in the strangers who cross your path.

Reading expands the mind. Book of Knowledge, sage advice.
Book of Knowledge.

Wake up each day and make your promises, whatever commitment you can muster, then toil the day honoring that vow. No one knows why we are here, but here we are nonetheless; therefore, for yourself, your friends and family and everyone else, live each day with promise that your life means something…for it does. Question your soul, your motives, your agendas and activities. Ensure you are giving to yourself the best chances for all that remains…

Godspeed. Always your steps alone must make the journey. Make your own sage advice to share with others. The warmth and beauty of love and friendship will provide solace and comfort to help you get there…for we are all lost souls on a quest to find truth and peace. So much better that we walk this road together…

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Todd holden
Todd holden
June 4, 2018 11:34 am


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