Freedom Lane Experiment-Part III

Archive Series Volume X – Freedom Lane Experiment, Part III
Freedom Lane Experiment, Part III

Perhaps it was out of desperation, or a driven desire to capture in music what no one else could say. Freedom Alley was borne of shared souls and a longing to explore the infinity of loneliness. We found the immeasurable strength of friendships through the music we created.

In other years, we played standards to perfection…one more time till we get it right! In the end, it seemed there was little desire and the old trail had been walked to the end. In the smoky nights with laughter and conversation drifting towards the yellow moon, Freedom Alley chose a new path. The songs comprising all three chapters of the Freedom Lane Experiment bear witness and pay tribute to that path.

The recording equipment would roll through the night and we were unaware of its presence. As such, we captured the gaffes, the miscues, missed notes, lost keys, rough takes and the quick escapes. Most noticeably, we felt, we captured both the torment and the beauty of the song of the soul. Sharing these moments with you, we hope you will feel the same.

We are brothers of desire. With a flicker of hope in a shadow of doubt, longing for the essence and peeling back for the unveiling. Words and music are our medium, for that is the alley to your soul. As time fades, there is a deeper need to capture what we find inside and release it to the wind. In the process, we will find freedom. Just a roll down the alley.

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