Healthy Heart

healthy, happy heart
…and the beat goes on.

A happy, healthy heart will invigorate the mind. An invigorated mind is a good place to be. Truth is, there are a lot of ruminations, ramblings and general digressions that are in the till. Some fully finished, many scattered notes and a fair amount still in my head. Yet, these will all have to take a back seat this evening as I announce my latest malady.

Many folks have disabilities, hardships, conundrums and pickles much worse than any two or three of my difficulties put together. Fortunate to say, I haven’t had to address knees, hips, or shoulders. My limbs are achy in rainy weather and there’s considerably less hair on the top of my head these days. 

For what I’ve put my body through during these heavy-duty, sixty-plus years, consider myself lucky to be around at all. ‘God has a plan’ is the going word, although many tell me my survival is dumb luck and nothing more. Still others have boldly stated my life must be like one bad dream I can’t wake up from.

Oh yes, I’ve had more than my share of drama through the years. The stakes remain in the red zone for the high drama that keeps visiting me. I’ve been wracked, battered, twisted, beaten and left for dead on many occasions. But, I’m still walking, talking and glad I came to the circus. That alone makes me pretty lucky, so if nothing else, I’m a survivor. Then again, until you go, you are too.

Got a call from one of my favorite doctors yesterday, my cardiologist. She’s the best cardiologist in the world – puts up with me and keeps me ticking. Well, the phone call wasn’t exactly a social chat. She called to tell me she was concerned after reviewing the results from a stress test I had taken recently. Turns out, I may have a blockage and we’re going to start with a catheterization to see what’s what. I’m not enthused about a hospital visit. Maybe keep my shoes on in case I have to make a break for it.

Eight years ago, the heart attacks should have taken me. Instead, God mandated I stick around a bit longer as he had lots more misery to bestow and beget me. The religious view is that these are tests for my basic character development. All I can think of is somebody up there has a propensity for sick humor. Not attacking the Almighty, mind you, just wouldn’t mind a smoother ride on this gravel road. It’s okay, though, everyone has their own row to hoe and I suppose I’ll be just fine. 

Before posting thoughts about domestic life, announcing a Freedom Alley release, or continue my ramblings, I’ll get this procedure done. I’ll need to put a few things on hold. There’s the root canal, residual pain from the shingles, working through the bad back, and working up to cataract surgery. Then, I’ll put all that bad luck squarely on the back burner and let the professionals at Johns Hopkins do their thing.

With a happy, healthy heart, should be back to my miserable ole self in no time.

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Todd Holden
November 12, 2018 1:39 pm

you have such overwhelming folks around you…pretty much got it made, eh?

Todd Holden
October 13, 2018 12:28 pm

nice graphic…

laurie wallis
laurie wallis
October 12, 2018 8:42 am

I know a lot of what you say is tongue-in-cheek. Just don’t forget
the little glimpses of heaven God has given you (i.e., your wife, your mother……:))

October 12, 2018 7:28 am

I’ll keep you in my prayers!

Margarette Crowder
Margarette Crowder
October 12, 2018 7:06 am

How long have you known. God is in charge. God has given you many blessings, from your premature birth at which the Dr. didn’t have much hope. But look at you now. Give me a call.

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